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We Respect Privacy

Only Basic Information
☼ An email to make sure you are real.
☼ General location for alert services.
☼ NO tracking of location or movement.
☼ Location detection is NOT required.

Messaging Control
☼ Adjust your settings to fit your needs.

We Don't Sell Information
☼ No user's personal information is sold or shared with 3rd Parties, ever.

Delete Your Account Anytime
☼ We hope you don't, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Secure Browsers We Recommend
☼ Brave is Chromium based and focused on speed, privacy and security.
☼ TOR is a secure browser designed to work on the TOR network.

Secure Email We Recommend
☼ ProtonMail is based on Swiss servers with solid PGP encryption.
☼ CounterMail is a secure email provider based in Sweden with PGP encryption.

Secure VPNs we Recommend
☼ ProtonVPN is a solid private and secure VPN choice.

Urgent Watch is committed to privacy-centric servers and user policies.
See our Privacy Policy.

Recent Alerts

High Winds

High Winds

50 Broadway
San Francisco,California
United States 94111

Source: Urgent Watch
Group: Urgent Watch Member

High Winds

High Winds

Z Road
United States 66952


Incident Report